Category: Bike Rides 2003
Hits: 5285

It couldn't happen two months in a row, but it did. Another stranded bicycle. And a premonition. Not only was I not there in July, I wasn't there in Aug, Sept and Oct too!!! What a beautiful day, extremely Warm. Unfortunately the downpour on Friday evening that we had up here meant very hilly rides were out of the question, so we went to West Linton.

The TBC turned back at Penicuik, having a lovely picnic at the end of the Dalkeith – Penicuik cycle path. Praise to Louise, who did extremely well on her first ride and, thanks to the Turning Back People, hopefully enjoyed her first group bike ride. One thing we can guarantee, is that as you do more cycling, it becomes way more enjoyable.

We lunched in the warm garden at the Gordon Arms Hotel. Talked about lots of things, including vegetarian diets (makes a nice change from Calcium!!!!!).

After lunch, Stef dropped his keys down a drain. He'd put them in his top pocket, bent over, keys fell out, slid under the fence, under a rubbish bag, in to the drain. Given the distance and obstacles, quite a feat. Being West Linton this was no ordinary drain, no coathanger was going to reach the keys. The drain was 30ft deep. Luckily, Stef's parent had not gone on a surprise, last minute holiday to Spain, so I think he managed to get home alright. I presume so.

We all went Route from the Usher Hall: up Lothian Rod, Tollcross, Whitehouse Loan, and Canaan Lane. Up towards the Hermitage, then up ( for some this was up and up and up….) Comiston Road to Fairmilehead. Followed Seafield Moor Road to Bilston, Then onwards to Roslin and country roads to Auchendinny. Joined the Cycle path at the mill. The along the cycle path to the end. Here the TBC left us to have a picnic.

The rest of up went up to the Moor Road, across Auchencorth Moss, past Deepsyke Forest To West Linton and the Gordon Arms Hotel (nice hot beer garden, nice cold beer). Arrived here just after 13:00.

After lunch, on to the Roman Road to Carlops, (excellent view of the Wind Farms on the Moorfoots) from Carlops took the minor road back to the Moor Road, back straight through Penicuik, Milton Bridge, past Bush Research station and back on to the Seafield Moor Road. Arrived back at Fairmilehead about 16:30.

Unfortunately I will not be here in July, but Mark Symonds has indicated he might take the ride (Mark get in contact with me Thanks)


Between 3 ½ and 4 hours cycling in total.

Total Distance 65.9 km (41.2 miles)

Total Ascent 662 metres

Max Temp recorded 27 degrees Celsius (on the Roman Road)