Next Spokes Ride

Sunday 3rd July 2022. Meet at 10:00 outside the Usher Hall, Lothian Rd.

Destination to be decided on Wednesday. Distance will be around 70km (42 miles). Lunch in a café.
Please check your bike before the ride, i.e. tyre pressure, chain and brakes. Bring some money for emergencies and café stops and/or post ride refreshments. Don't forget snacks to keep your energy levels up and a drink to consume en-route.
Don't forget to bring a small toolkit to fit your bike and a spare inner tube in case you get a puncture. It is much easier to replace the tube than to repair a tube, especially if you have a slow puncture.
February 2025
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This is to let you all know about a local MTB event on our doorstep in the fabulous Pentland Hills on Sunday the 10th April, with registration and event start at Currie rugby club in Balerno. This is an orienteering / adventure type race, where you have to read a map, plan a strategy and choose your route to visit control locations and collect as many points as you can in the 3hr time limit available.

This event has been designed to cater for everyone from novices, to families, to those of you who want to challenge yourselves with plenty of hills and technical trails. You choose where and how far you want to go and how hard you want to ride. I have planned the map and control locations for this event and can guarantee some fun!

You can compete on your own or with a friend and it costs just £17 for individuals or £29 for pairs - less if you have full BMBO (British Mountain Bike Orienteering) membership. It’s even cheaper if you want to enter as a ‘generation’ team (i.e. one of you is a junior!). For this you get:

•   Entry to the event
•   Free parking
•   A map of the area with many extra biking paths and all controls marked
•   Post-race food
•   Showers
•   The chance to win prizes from sponsor Alpine Bikes
•   A great time!

You will need at least associate membership of BMBO – but this is free and you can join online here:
Once you have signed up with BMBO then it’s easy to enter in the normal way via EntryCentral:

This is the first event in a series of races taking place once a month over the summer, with the second event based in Peebles on the 1st May and covering trails you may never have known were there!


Snowcycle Events

Sun Feb 02 @10:00 - 05:00PM
Spokes Ride
Sat Feb 08 @10:30 - 05:00PM
Sun Mar 02 @10:00 - 05:00PM
Spokes Ride
Sat Mar 08 @10:30 - 05:00PM
Sun Apr 06 @10:00 - 05:00PM
Spokes Ride
Sat Apr 12 @10:30 - 05:00PM